Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Apparently day 13 was unprofessional according to my sister so it has been removed. Bu I left the pictures!

OH YEAH, I uploaded some AMAZING new earrings on my etsy shop! So check it out!


Whitney, Coty, and Mr. Mason said...

i was at the orem office yesterday for my 6 week and the girl there was getting yelled at because the ladies insurance hadnt come back yet for an iud and the girl said that she would have to pay until the insurance could approve it. i wanted to be like that has nothing to do with this girl so why are you yelling at her? she looked like such an idiot. i get yelled at for price tags being 5 cents less than what it rang up so i know how you feel.

Jamie said...

Oh hormonal patients are just the best aren't they. Hopefully you can laugh at this later. Sorry!

Rod&Phyll said...

dang it! i really wanted to read it...seing as im prego and all. but can i say that the girls at my ob office are major b*tches? i would love for you to be at mine. we could wear cute headbands together :)

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