Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 30 - Who are you?

Well this is a perfect segway to the post I was wanting to write. 
My name is Heidi Noel I am 22 years old 
I am 5'10"
I am married to my best friend of five years
My family is originally from southern Canada.
My favorite color is purple
I LOVE anything to do with owls
I love miniature things
I love tea sets, vases & bottles
I walk slightly pigeon toed
I can't stand sleeping without 4 pillows
I have two dogs one is part dachshund part chihuahua the other pure dachshund
I never have a good day, unless Diet Dr. Pepper is in the mix
I work at an OB/GYN office
I love being outdoors (even though it doesn't happen much)
I love candles, scented oils, parfumes, and lotions
I go to weight watchers
I hate going into public places
I love Christmas, the day after Halloween I start listening to Christmas music
I go to the festival of lights every weekend during the holidays without fail
I love doing make-up & hair
I spend most days watching L&O SVU and crafting
I have an etsy shop
I love hats & scarves
I struggle with depression & anxiety
I am the 7th child out of 8
my hair is naturally a light mousy brownish blonde color
I have small eyes that tend to close when I smile
I have blue & yellow eyes
I hate having wet hair
I can't stand ignorant people
my husband is half chinese & my eyes are smaller than his!
I have been gluten free for over 4 years 
I am a night owl
I can't sleep at night because my mind starts racing with exciting ideas
I love having plants in my home
DVR & NETFLIX keep me sane
I am a major blog stalker
I try to be nice to everyone
& I just realized that all of these have been mentioned within the last month in my posts.
WOOHOO! I DID IT! All thirty days finished!


Delirium said...

Hahah, I'm always astonished by how much we have in common. I totally collect tea sets. I was actually contemplating making a 'collections' post next because I collect a TON of things.. probably will do that tomorrow when I'm not so sleep deprived.

I'm excited to see what you'll post now that the 30 days is over! Well done, you should feel accomplished, hahah, I would.

Delirium said...

P.S. It's official my boyfriend thinks we should TOTALLY hang out.

Sheri said...

So I absolutely love reading your blog, even though you don't like the 30 topic challenge thing, it's actually really interesting to read! I love your dogs! They're adorable! And your HAIR!!! Oh my gosh!! What's your secret?! I have had short hair for years, and I am finally trying to grow it out! Any tips for me? Anyways, I love your blog!! Keep blogging! :)

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