Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear Niece,

This is what happens when: you try to run away from your Aunt trying to get a picture of you.
She will make not one but two gifs of you trying to escape.
Your welcome.
Eshv6A on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
OHq5t7 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif

Love, Aunt Heidi


Liz said...

you are the shiiiiiiiii

Katie said...

hah i bet she learned her lesson! times two :)

Blace said...

Haha! Too cute for sure.

Taryn said...

she is adorable!

Gale said...

HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA. BWAHAHAa! You're my kind of peoples. I once scared my cousins adorable kid by telling him I was going to eat him. I didn't meaaan it, just I like to munch on cute things. Needless to say he got really scared, especially after I started chasing him haha.

Janette said...

soooo funny!

Knitful Dezigns said...

hahahahahaha! omg this made me laugh so hard, what awesome gifs <3 too cute

With Love, Jamie said...

Hahaha too cute!!!

Amy Nielson said...

hahaha, that second one is hilarious. she is REALLY trying not to be in a picture, huh?? silly girl.

Chrissy said...

haha, that is hilarious! Love it!!

Lydia said...

Hahaha this is so cute. I love it!

kat @ withachanceof said...

so fun! hehehe! i can't wait to try and make one now!!! <3 thank you!

Lovin'_the_wacky_Beehive said...

Aunt Heidis are the coolest. I have an Aunt Heidi myself

rubi said...

heidi! i just spent so much time looking through your blog. you are pretty talented with that camera of yours lady! will you please come visit in paris!?!!?

Shewearscrazywell said...

I think you are seriously the coolest person ever!! I heart you so much for doing this...its tooo funny! This is sooooo something I would do...if i had the smarts for it! Hearts, janna lynn

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

HAHAHA! That sweet little girl! I wish i had an awesomely cool, photographing, fun, aunt like you! She is a lucky one! :)

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's pretty funny! and very cool videos. She's so cute!

amyschmamey said...

he he he. Isn't it fun to be a photographer antagonist? ha. You are silly.

Paigeepee. said...

hahaha there is my family to a T! :)

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

how cute! She has such pretty hair :)

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