Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Mama!

{{Edit, I accidentally posted this on my test blog yesterday, whoops! So when I say today, I mean yesterday bahahah}}
2 posts in one day, say whhaaaaaaat?
So tomorrow is my sweet moms 21st birthday ;)
So today my family all gathered at my parents house to celebrate. 
I brought my camera and took some snapshots. 
Of course the birthday girl wouldn't let me get one of her, so here is what you get:
And now a photo dump of my family celebrating my moms birthday
 This is my niece, she is seven and she is the best.
 Aaron wasn't too thrilled to have his picture taken
 Crazy sisters
 These are my moms spring/birthday flowers
 My pretty sister in law
 cooky niece ;)
Little sister {left} older sister {right}
 {and my wedding announcement on the fridge haha}
After the birthday celebration Aaron and I went on a drive up the mountains to look at the city lights. When we came down we decided to play Mario for the Wii and apparently Oscar wanted to play too.  haha.
 This weekend has been kind of a tough one, but thankfully things have started looking up. I think it was just extra bad because I woke up to like 6 inches of snow this morning! Crazy cabin fever!! WTH. Seriously I am so over winter. 
I hope you had a lovely weekend, and hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow!<3


Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Happy birthday to your momma! Geez! That photo of Oscar should be on a Wii commercial!

Another Diamond Day said...

Your mum and I share the same birthday! Thanks for your email! I will email back soon! x

enie meenie said...

I can't wait til my mom turns 21 ;) hahah!

uhm... why is senor Oscar so freaking cute? AGH! I love that picture so much!

kenzie said...

haha. your little sister looks so much like you! i think i've seen you make that face a few times. hehe. again, im loving all the 'photo dumps'. keep it up!
have a good weeeeekk

kat @ withachanceof said...

hahaha! you guys look like a fun group of people to hang out with! ^_^ you're starting to get a nice handle on your new wonderful camera and your photos are looking GREAT! happy 21st to your mom!!!

Diana Smith said...

I am soooo sick of this snow too! Your family is really cute!! Your sisters are pretty just like you!! I am pretty sure your mom is too! WISH she would show herself to your blog! maybe next time

Katie said...

Oh my your mom is quite young! ;) haha I'm dying over that picture of Oscar! He's too cute!
Please bring some winter here. I'm already over the summer here!

Ps. If you ever visit California this year we MUST meet up!

With Love, Jamie said...

You & your sisters totally look alike!! Happy birthday to your mama! :)

Ms.Domo Roboto said...

Happy Birthday to your mom. It looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Happy Monday.

Chrissy said...

I totally agree with Jamie, your sisters look just like you! Wow, I really thought the girl on the left was you! Haha...awesome! Love your pics! And, I really would have loved to see your mom! Happy Birthday!! xxx

Taryn said...

yay! happy birthday to your ma!

in reply to your question, my birthday is april 28th...dreaded big 26.

i think you could pull of glittery black toms too. plus they're REALLY pretty.

and i as well enjoyed our twitter convo the other night! d plays wow with all his friends and none of them have significant others so i always feel so alone with my wow woes. did aaron end up getting another copy and starting over? d tried to quit even and started playing rift but now he's talking cancelling rift and sticking with wow so i'm pretty sure it will never end. sometimes it's frustrating (because we haven't been out for forever) but then at other times i'm glad he's got something to keep occupied with but it'd be really awesome not be woken up every morning at 3:30 when he finally comes to bed!

and i want oscar.

Amanda M said...

This is a fun post! Also, I like the new layout! I can tell you are using your new camera....did someone say photo blog? love you Heidi!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

EEEK the little sweet doggy playing wii? I die from cuteness. HA!

Happy BDAY to your Mama! She takes pics like my Mom does. ;)

Your whole family is BEAUTIFUL. Really.

Amy Nielson said...

looks like a good time!! and congrats on the new camera! your pictures already look amazing :)

Hello Again Vintage said...

Sweet. You and your sisters look exactly the triplets. ♥

Happy birthday to your mom!!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! Your pictures are looking great!

We don't have snow,but I'm so over the cloudy cold days. I feel ya!

Amy Nielson said...

so i know i already commented but i had to come back & say you're awesome for noticing parker's byob shirt! you were the only one :)

Kandice Breinholt said...

sweet! be sure to tell her happy birthday from your blogger friend, kandice! haha :) and from natalie too!

amyschmamey said...

Happy birthday to your MOOOOOOM! :) ha.
Sorry your weekend was rough. Maybe this coming weekend will ROCK! I thought I commented on this blog post, but I didn't OBVIOUSLY! ha. So While I am late... I am here... And that is what matters.

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