Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter weekend photo dump.

This weekend did not go as planned. 
All week long I dreamed about going to the tulip festival on Saturday. 
Only to wake up to a drizzly dark day.
Needless to say, we didn't go and we stayed inside all day.
Although today my sister and I did get out of the house and find some beautiful tulips. Almost as good as the Tulip fest, but not quite.
 Saturday afternoon I went to the salon to get my hair trimmed and colored. I was going to do a bright red color but I didn't book enough time. So we just did a darker red. Keep in mind this picture was taken with the sun hitting my head, so it looks much more red than it actually is. I like it though.

 While taking a picture of one of the tulips I noticed that there was a bee pollinating the flower! Neat-o.

 UGH. This duck just makes me mad. Why you ask?? Because. I was at the lake and there was a lost baby goose looking for its mom. It wandered right on up to me, and I got a TON of really adorable shots of him. Lo and behold I got home and went to download my photos onto my laptop. When Sammie decided to jump on it and somehow deleted half the photos I took today:( So therefore just looking at the duck makes me furious. At least this little fella let me get really close up to him before diving in the water.
 Creepy Mallard.
 My sister and I went to a different pond later in the day, there were cute ducklings. The dang things wouldn't come close to me though, or turn their little heads! *sigh*
 I got a lot of their little backsides...
 We found a nest!

 I'm in love with all of the brightly colored almost microscopic blossoms that are popping up! 

 I love this picture. There were three beautiful trees all with different colored blossoms lined up next to one another.

 I think moss is neat.
 Hey look an ant! COOL. bahahah. I'm such a child, seriously ants impress me???
 My pup spotted me outside taking photos.
 Delicious looking fruit pizza my SIL made. Being gluten free SUCKS on holidays!
 My sister will kill me for this one. "well you should of made a cute face" <--- That's what I am saying to her, for when she reads my blog.
 Older sister and I at my parents for Easter dinner.
 My niece told me she would never talk to me again if I posted a photo of her on my blog. Whoopsies! She is also the same one that won't let me photograph her, see the smudges on the photo?? Yeah I took a picture of her through the front door. She didn't even know! I am too sneaky.
At least one of my nieces likes to be a ham in front of the camera!
Thanks for stopping by! 
I hope you had a great Easter:)


With Love, Jamie said...

I love all your photos!! :) Seriously, you should sell some prints! (and i'm gonna say this ALL THE TIME but come to Cali...lots of fun photos to be taken here! hehe)
I am lovin' your new hair! Looks great on you pretty girl!
Happy Easter!
xo, Jamie

Amanda said...

It was so nice where I am Saturday, but horrible today. Why can't it just be nice and sunny? Haha
Love the pictures, hope you had a happy Easter :)

Katie said...

i love your hair! it's so pretty. the pictures on this post definitely scream SPRING TIME! I wish we had a tulip festival here! I don't even know if tulips grow in California

Heather said...

You are definitely a Spring person! Haha. My favorite is the photo of your dog through the window. Love it. :)

And yeah, you're hair is basically perfect. I love the red.

deanna@delirious-rhapsody said...

i love the darker hair color. and that fruit pizza looks so tasty!

Chrissy said...

Love your photos! The duck family is so cute!
And I love your hair color!!! Awesome!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs xxx

Lydia said...

The photos are so fun. :) It looked like a fun weekend even if you couldn't go to the tulip festival. I've never been to one and tulips are definitely my favorite flower.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I'm so glad that you had a great Easter! I adore your sunglasses!
And that little duckies photo is too sweet!
All the photos are amazing girl!

Another Diamond Day said...

Pics are stunning!!! And that cake looks sooooo yummy! xox

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

WOW~ You are taking some really really really beautiful pics lately, my dear! I love them all, especially the ducks and your cute feet on the rocks. :)

I'm sorry the tulip fest day was gloomy...but all those flowers are BEAUTIFUL!!

Hello Again Vintage said...

Beautiful photos! Awwe..that bites that the weather put a damper on your Tulip Festival plans. But at least you were able to come home to something equally as nice.

And looking at that colorful duck always reminds me of my grandparents 'cause they used to have a stuffed animal duck sitting on top of their bed headboard.


P.S. Your new hair color looks so rad!

Knitful Dezigns said...

Awww how sad that you didnt get to go :( I love your photo dumps :)

Your hair color suits you, it looks gorgeous girlie!!!!!!!!

Diana Smith said...

I hate it when your plans don't go according to plan! It sucks, but it seems like you made up for it. The flowers you took pictures are gorgeous and its what you would have seen at the tulip fest!

Amanda M said...

I love the pictures! I like your hair, I want to see it in person it looks cute though!

Shewearscrazywell said...

I think you look sooooo pretty in red hair! I love the candid family pics..bwhahahah...sneaky pics are the best! Your pics of nature are seriously so awesome. I love em. Oh..and I too desire a piece of that fruit pizza. Hearts, Janna Lynn

Ashley said...

Aw, you are so pretty!

Love the pictures, miss! Hope everything is well with you.

Amy Nielson said...

gorgeous pics! love the one of the bee in the tulip. that's rad.

Taryn said...

i'm diggin' the red dude, glad you did it!

also i think the picture of oscar in the window is precious.


Liz said...

I love your hair!!! And your face.
Your pictures are gorgeous. I need a camera other than my iPhone.
Props to you for sneaking pictures. I'm also a pro at that. Antho hates getting his picture taken but I SNEAK 'EM! Ha
Happy Easter!!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

beautiful pictures! Sorry you missed the tulip event, but you found some!


Your fringe is awesome and the color too! Your weekend looks like so much fun and I agree you should deff do some prints of your photos and sell them, or make postcards or something! p.s (it still looks like you went to the tulip festival eventhough you didn't!, so many pretty tulips!!)

Dirt On The Rocks said...

you've got beautiful pictures on your site. also happy belated easter! the tulips are gorgeous. it would be nice to see something that beautiful and colorful as you walk out through your front door.

~April~ said...

Love all the pics! That sucks about the deleted ones... I bet they were super cute!!

Love your hair, too, by the way. ;)

Anonymous said...

All of the duck/flower photos are beautiful! They've actually gone and put a big smile on my face. And that fruit pizza is possible the most amazing thing I've ever seen - it needs to get in my belly right now! I hope you had a great Easter too.

Jess Craig said...

those flower pics are freaking gorgeous!

Danielle Leal said...

so many beautiful and fun pictures!! I love it! I am so sorry that I have been MIA lately! I hope you can forgive me friend!

Oh and I love the new hair color! Its looks great on you!

Amy Nielson said...

i totally already commented on this post, ha! to answer your question though, i have a canon rebel t2i. and i have a crush on it.

Gale said...

Awww these are wonderful and made me all fuzzy for Spring. Such happy photos. I love your your red hair, Hairy! Not kidding, so awesome it makes me think about maybe some new color for the season..hmm. Your pup is so funny at the window hehhee. And seriously I may be on the hunt for that fruit tart pizza you got there. I'm hungry right now. I'm happy you had a nice Easter!

I miss you friend! I've been sick too and haven't been much into blogging, but I'm missing it terribly I'll be back soon. Take care girl:)

Kiersten said...

Thank the Lord Spring is finally here (do I dare say that? I better knock on wood)!! Lovely photographs.

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