Thursday, March 24, 2011

Working out is not as glamorous as it may look.

Honestly people, the gym is not the place to wear make-up to. This being said, no I did not join a gym. The one thing I hate is when I am working out sweating like a pig with my love handles wiggling their way out of my spandex. Only to look over to see some perfectly fit girl on the treadmill with cutesy hair and make-up. Wow! Confidence killer for sure
Seriously how do people do jumping jax and not have their bodies falling out of their clothing? Oh that's right, most people at the gym don't. I hate girls who look gorgeous even when working out. {this is in no way meant to hurt any ones feelings}
 I'll be the first to admit that me working out, is not glamorous. Unless of course you do it in heels! Seriously though, who wears heals to work out? Okay I'll get off of my high horse and just show you how fab I look whilst working out:
Not so attractive now eh? OMG I really can't believe I am posting this.
Funny story {for me at least}
Today while at Target I bout some new 2 lb hand weights to use for the 30 day shred.{I finished day 10 today btw}
My old ones were too long, bulky and  just way to heavy.
So I come home put on the DVD and go to change into my workout clothes.
I come back in the living room and lo and behold my weights are no where to be found!
"WTH" I could have sworn I left them sitting right in front of the tv!!
Suddenly I realize that Oscar had taken them into the corner and was noming on them! That little stinker thought they were a toy! Funny thing is they are only like 6 pounds lighter than him! It was so hilarious to watch him try to carry them around.
This week is spring break for my sisters so they came into town to spend the week. 
Yesterday Kate {my older sister} and I decided to go on a photo taking adventure.
We usually do this when she comes to Provo. Neither of us have a profesh camera but she just uses her Polaroid and I use my IPhone.
The weather was too overcast and the sun wasn't in a good spot so we didn't get many pictures.
I did get pictures of us taking pictures though!
The people driving by probably thought we were nuts! I love the positions you have to get in to get a good shot sometimes.
She was trying to take a picture of this weirdo tower with her Polaroid.
This is Kate btw, she is pretty dope.
I had just barely got this hat hoodie and "dress" in the mail that day so I took lots of pictures:)
I say "dress" like this: " " because I have such a long torso that it barely touches my bottom. Dang! At least I finally have a "shirt" that is long enough right?
See that on my collar bone?? I totally got a little sun! YES!
I swear that is just a pile of asphalt.
Sorry for the lack in posting lately. 
Even though the thirty day shred is only 20 minutes it sure takes time out of the day.
Just getting ready, cooling down after, and of course I have to shower more. 
I am kind of discouraged with my diet. Working out has made me gain weight. I know it is just muscle but this week I haven't eaten as well because well, I am depressed about the gain.
{so why would I eat more?? So weird}
I am going keep on keeping on! AND of course I need to throw away the gluten free cookies and muffins I bought at whole foods. Why I think I need to buy stuff like this when I find it I have no clue. I binged tonight on them:(
The problem with being a hairdresser is, I am never content with my hair. Tonight I noticed that my bangs were far too bulky and long. So of course I go scissor crazy on them. 
You can't really tell in the photo, and of course the lighting in my bathroom always makes me look really red.. I am going to hopefully get my hair dyed this weekend and I can't wait!
Also for some reason they look a lot more red when uploaded on blogger. BOO
Well I hope you all have a great night! 


kenzie said...

from going to the gym everyday i have noticed girls who are perfectly prepped and dressed in the highest of gym fashion. they get on the treadmill, me running my butt off and dripping sweat, and they walk for 15 minutes. and then grab their bag and walk out the door. and i'm left wondering WTF.

that is all.
oh, and you are a adorable.

Leah said...

Haha I also look like crap during and after working out (working out means playing my favorite sport which mostly involves running around in a pitch under the sun). Then I have female teammates who still manage to look gorgeous, cheeks flushed and wet hair shining. :P

Good luck with the Shred! :)

Anonymous said...

i have never been into a gym :(

in my country, if you are in a gym, its a lifestyle status because membership fee is too expensive. i am thinking of buying a dvd exercise and just do the exercise inside my room.

i wish i could cut my bangs all by myself. i am planning to cut it and learning how to do it in youtube videos.

have a nice day :)

Niko Bulaun said...

you still look pretty :)


Eva said...

what colour are you dying??

kat @ withachanceof said...

It looks like your little guy wanted to work out too! What a doll! I love your pups! I love it when I'm taking photos for my classes and people look at me weird. I sometimes use my "super spy" lens and then I REALLY get looks! Kids come up to me and ask me if I work for the paper or something, it's really cute and makes me feel good. ^_^ I LOVE your bangs! You did a really great job on them for doing it yourself. If I was closer I would definitely have you do my hair!

Have a fun weekend!!!

Chrissy said...

Well, you haven't seen me during and after working out...haha...scary!! For sure!

Love your bangs!! You look gorgeous...always! Cute sista!!!

Happy Friday love! Hugs xxx

Chrissy said...

Well, you haven't seen me during and after working out...haha...scary!! For sure!

Love your bangs!! You look gorgeous...always! Cute sista!!!

Happy Friday love! Hugs xxx

la petite lydia said...

I am the same way. This is why I work out at home. Which I need to get back to.

I laughed out loud when I saw that photo of your puppy! So adorable. I am glad you got a picture of it.

With Love, Jamie said...

Good for you with the working out!!!
That's so awesome, keep going & stay motivated! Your doing great! :)
I love your new "dress"'s so cute!
I really wish you lived close by cus I would totally have you cut my hair!! So you finished cosmetology school?? Good for you! I dropped out (beauty school dropout!) but I had a good excuse...I got pregnant! :/
Come visit!! ;)
Oh & no worries on the letter, take your time! No hurry :)
xo, Jamie

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I'm with you! It's so hard to have motivations to work out when you see beautiful gals around you!
Oh my gosh that pic kills me! HE IS SO PRECIOUS! I wish I could hug him!
Photo dates are the best! Looks like you guys had fun!
I like your bangs! I wish I looked that glamorous with bangs!

Diana Smith said...

Thats fun that you went and took pictures with your sister! And yeah working out at the gym SUCKS! I hate going and get dressed just to see some hottie working her buns and I know I will never have that haha

Shewearscrazywell said...

I love your gym look healthy and invigorated! I think if people look pretty while working out..then their doing it wrong! I make snorting sounds and look like a piglet when working out..but I also think its cute..weird, right? Ha ha! I looooved that pic with of the workout weights bandit..ha ha ha! Don't get disheartened...maybe you should ignore the scale. Just keep being healthy, you look amazing and thats what counts! Hearts, janna lynn

~April~ said...

Don't get discouraged... You're doing great! :) And you look totally cute in all your pics. I hardly ever post recent pics of me b/c I look so fat in them. But we're always harder on ourselves I guess. Anyway, keep up the great work and stay positive... You rock!!

Ms.Domo Roboto said...

Your pup is so adorable!!!! I never look good while working out. What's the point in getting all dolled up for it if the make-up is going to run and my hair is just going to run?!?! Loved the other pics. My sis and I used to take photo's together all the time. I'm sure we will be taking more soon.


Taryn said...

oscar is freaken' cuteeeeee with that dumbell in his mouth! how the heck is he even standing with it in there?

i luuuurve your bangs too btw. every time i go to get my hair cut i tell them to give me some thick bangs and i always get little whispy ones. my bangs are ultra long right now too so their mostly pulled back or braided. i need a hurrcut.

way to go with that 30 day shred. you da bomb!

happy friday!

Unknown said...

i need to get back on the shred! i can't believe that i'm supposed to be your buddy in this and i completely dropped the ball, i'm so sorry. i feel like such a flake. my being sick and oliver being sick has completely whopped my ass. i've been walking more... but that's about it. i've been eating a little better, too.

i find that when i shred, i ate worse too. like my body was craving it. i need to break my sugar addiction!

i'm sure you don't know this about me, but i was in cosmetology school! after cutting my own and everyone elses hair around me for years, i finally enrolled. i lasted 1 semester. i think it's because it was all old people walk ins. perms. smell. so. bad. for a $1 tip. plus, our teacher didn't teach, she just sat there while we read the book. but i still feel that way about my hair, too.

i like the bangs!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

I hate when I see people all dressed pretty when they're working out! I get all gross when I work out. That's one reason I don't go to gyms.

Amy Nielson said...

love the bangs!!
and your gym rant is hilarious. everyone hates that cute gym rat girl. and also? after you have a baby jumping jacks will have a whole new degree of difficulty to them! forget clothes falling off, just try not to pee your pants!

Sanam said...

Awww bless, Oscar must have thought they were for him haha :D How old is he? :)

Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Day By Diva

Gale said...

Little pup is so so adorable! And I totally look like crap working out! It's the best way to work out don't you think? haha. You're looking so goood and healthy Gwid. Go girrrl. & That's awesome you and your sis went on a photo adventure. Sounds like so much fun. I haven't done that in a while. Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo

Whitney, Coty, and Mr. Mason said...

I'm just going to put this out there but you look totally thin in those pics.

raveninthewolfden said...

a pile of asphalt, eh? That is going to be my new saying for now.. I just love it. So. I think you are very pretty, and who looks glamourous when they work out? i am by far anything remotly attractive. I sweat like a .. well we will leave that part out because im in a good mood right now. =)

Kelli Hale said...

I totally understand how hard it is to keep up with a weight loss goal. I've lost twenty pounds doing yoga, but now that my muscles are toned all my fat is more rolly. lol It sucks!!

Keep up with it though! You're doing great! :)

Knitful Dezigns said...

jejeje i feel your pain! thats one reason i dont go to the gym anymore :( to painful...

Your bangs look fab <3 i wish i was a hairdresser jejeje love em <3

Ashley said...

You are too cute! And I personally love your bangs. I wish I would be able to grow mine out like that.

And your dog is adorable.

And that shower curtain looks really close to one that found it's way on my registry. ;]

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Okay, first, you look so so pretty in those last two pics! Wowza!

2nd, the doggie with the weight really had me cracking up. How cute!

3rd, I HATE it when people come to the gym all styling. I always feel like I have to wear a baseball cap to hide my non-made up face. ugh. There should be a rule against coming to the gym looking good.

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